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Benchmade 950 Rift initial impressions

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:23 pm
by Aglifter
Solid lock-up. I got the gray and black G10 scales, which seem to offer an excellent level of grip. I like the blade shape - doesn't look too "weapon" like, and short enough for SC.

I like the "axis" lock, it seems like it won't come open while working with it, and it seems to restrain the blade in position while closed - supposedly, to flick the knife open, you can pull back on the lock mechanism - I see no reason to flick knives open.

The handle is, almost, big enough for my hand. It would be, except for an odd "divot" which seems meant for a normal person's pinkie.

I'm not crazy about "tip up" carry. I suppose its safer, if it does come open in my pocket. It does have a much tighter clip than what I've see on any of my other knives, including my old benchmade. It is a bit thicker than my old Leopard, and it takes a bit of effort to slide it into my pants, since the scales drag on the pocket.

Re: Benchmade 950 Rift initial impressions

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:26 pm
by Denis
Linky for those, like me, who had to look it up.

Ag, what do you think of the blade's serrations? I'm not a big fan, and if I must have them, I'd like them to be at the tip end of the blade.

Re: Benchmade 950 Rift initial impressions

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:55 pm
by Aglifter
I actually ordered, from, w. a plain edge, but it came serrated, and I decided I didn't mind it. KW was the cheapest supplier, by a considerable margin, that I could find.

My Leopard had a similar serration, and it doesn't really bother me. As I don't plan on ever using it to skin an animal, I'm not really sure what else I would use that part of the belly for. The serrations do seem a bit longer on the rift, and I don't think they needed to be, but there's still plenty of plain blade to work with.

On my leopard, it was pretty useful to be able to loop over a cord, etc, catch it on the serration, and pull to pop through it - however, if you actually plan on cutting quite a bit of cordage, or modern cordage, then I would go w. a Boye Knife. I have a fully serrated, blunt tipped folder for sailing which I like. Very thin, very light, but not really big enough to do heavier work.

I will buy one of Boye's cosmetic second fixed knives at some point, to wear as an emergency rigging cutting tool for sailing.

Re: Benchmade 950 Rift initial impressions

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:14 pm
by Denis
Aglifter wrote:...if you actually plan on cutting quite a bit of cordage, or modern cordage, then I would go w. a Boye Knife.
Wow! I like the look of those.

Re: Benchmade 950 Rift initial impressions

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:29 pm
by Fivetoes
Aglifter wrote: I'm not crazy about "tip up" carry. I suppose its safer, if it does come open in my pocket. It does have a much tighter clip than what I've see on any of my other knives, including my old benchmade. It is a bit thicker than my old Leopard, and it takes a bit of effort to slide it into my pants, since the scales drag on the pocket.
Denis' link specs the clip as reversible.

Re: Benchmade 950 Rift initial impressions

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:54 pm
by Aglifter
It is between left and right, but not between tip up v. tip down.