MRI - possible bad results (update)results suck (update II)

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Re: MRI - possible bad results (update)results suck (update

Post by randy »

Lokidude wrote:Take Rod up on his offer. It's worth it, just to hear him tell stories.
+1 Especially if you have the time and opportunity for the Guided NOT Chamber of Commerce approved tour of El Paso

And speaking as someone not particularly enamored of cats, his were no bother at all. (But I'm not allergic)
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Re: MRI - possible bad results (update)results suck (update

Post by Precision »

Rod wrote:Hot stuff there and glad to hear the treatment seemed to go well. Keep her brain busy and enjoy life. Waiting for your word on the trip. Any special dinners or do you want a REAL Tex-Mex meal? Cat allergies? Had to remember to ask that.
Not allergic, not particularly fans of cats, but other people's cats are usually ok.

No special dinners. Make what you like. She is opposed to mushrooms and is eating carb free or as close to it as possible. Vegetables are fine, but no rice kind of thing. I eat most anything.

We do plan on taking you up on your hospitality and we always like good stories.
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Re: MRI - possible bad results (update)results suck (update II)

Post by QuickRespond »

Claymores detonated, spammers in the wire neutralized.
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