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i-phone memory

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:19 pm
by DavidB
This'll be my first smartphone, wife's uses one, knows she wants an I-phone 6 with 64 gig memory-
Verizon has the 5s, but only with 16 gig. I don't want the 6 because of size. My foreseeable use is
phone, some texts, some search, few apps (maybe GPS, some astronomy), some pix, I don't think
much in the way of music, maybe a chess game.
QUESTION: for the two year contract, is the 16 gig memory enough?
Thank you

Re: i-phone memory

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 4:26 pm
by BDK
No. Perhaps if you're quite disciplined about it, but I wouldn't think so - and, I agree, the size of the 6 is idiotic, and completely unsuitable for an adult who doesn't carry a purse.

Re: i-phone memory

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 4:36 pm
by Greg
Maybe I could qualify that?

I have an Android phone, not an i-device true, but it does have 16GB of storage that is not expandable.

You *can* live with it, with discipline and a little periodic tidying (especially with your expected light usage pattern) but it will be a bit of a pain in the neck, and if you wind up using your phone more and in different ways than you expect it will only become *more* of a pain in the neck.

So if you're willing to deal with that in order to meet some other requirement, sure. But all other things being equal, you're going to want more than 16GB storage.

Re: i-phone memory

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:09 pm
by rightisright
BDK wrote:No. Perhaps if you're quite disciplined about it, but I wouldn't think so - and, I agree, the size of the 6 is idiotic, and completely unsuitable for an adult who doesn't carry a purse.
Really? I have a Samsung Galaxy S5 which is bigger than the iPhone6 and I have no problem keeping it in my pocket. I like more screen real estate because I use the GPS quite often. Granted, at 6'2", 270# I am larger than most people. But my gf who is 5'-9" and thin (I don't ask her weight :)) also keeps her S5 in her pocket while at work.

Re: i-phone memory

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:32 pm
by JustinR
For your uses, that should be plenty. Unless you like carrying a substantial music collection around with you, or take a lot of photos or video that you don't transfer to your desktop/laptop, it should be more than enough.

Re: i-phone memory

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:38 am
by BDK
Well, one front pocket usually has a gun, and I don't like things in my back pocket - it works, but I don't like sitting on my phone.

But I do have pants which can't hold an iPhone 6 in my front pocket either.

Re: i-phone memory

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:12 am
by skb12172
I have a 6 plus and like the size. If you don't think you will, the regular 6 should do ya. Oh yeah, mine is 64gb.

Re: i-phone memory

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:14 am
by skb12172
To answer your question, you will want at least the 64gb.

Re: i-phone memory

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:14 pm
by DavidB
OK, thank you everyone- we're going with the 6 with 64 gig and Verizon- now to find the best deal.
I've spoken with century Link (our landline/internet provider) and a Verizon store person. Doesn't seem
to be much room for negotiation- but we have discount through work, so there's that.
If you have any suggestions, please let me know.