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Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:19 pm
by Precision
Yogimus wrote:SHTF: When the only thing stopping me from shooting folks for sport s my own conscience.

YOU have a conscience??? Who knew.

That would definitely qualify as SHTF. My break point is significantly lower then that, but I too have the tiered approach to SHTF.

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:31 am
by Jered
Yogimus wrote:SHTF: When the only thing stopping me from shooting folks for sport s my own conscience.
If it's that bad, the only reason not to shoot folks for sport is to save ammo.

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:31 am
by Cybrludite
My ranking system:

Bad: Katrina as it was. An area the size of the UK flattened, an area the size of France & the Benelux without power, and a major city rendered temporarily uninhabitable. Limited law enforcement and temporary riots and dacoity.

Real bad: Katrina as it was portrayed. As above, but with colanders and assless chaps being de riguer in the affected area.

Very Bad Indeed: A modern day repeat of the 1811 New Madrid Earthquake. Multiple major cities trashed. National lines of communication disrupted across a wide area. Possibly bad enough to crash the central government.

OMGWTFBBQ: The Great East-West ICBM swapmeet. Cue the Tom Lehrer.

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:46 am
by Yogimus
Or as we call it, "Winter in Montana"

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:51 am
by PawPaw
Termite wrote:My flying buddies are coming over for BBQ in 15 min, and I forgot to stock the beer fridge............ :shock:
I didn't get invited, but I'll bring beer.

On a more serious note, SHTF means to me that I might not live another hour. Here in Louisiana we're real good at events like hurricanes where the power might be out for two or three days, and I know how to deal with that, but for me, SHTF has always implied an immediate and identifiable threat to human life that will occur over a short time span.

For example, a massive storm that disrupts utilities, even for several weeks isn't SHTF. When the zombies show up in the front yard, scavenging for food, that's SHTF.

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 12:26 pm
by Scouse
The real bad event, that we could not prepare for, an Atom bomb strike. Does not bear contemplating, the two Japanese City's were rebuilt, but it must have been shocking. One second pouring tea, next, nothing, for thousands!

Living in Tel Aviv, would be closer to that event than Sunny Florida, where a small devise could be floated up the beach! But there are many such devises around the world, Pakistan has a lot! Could one such item end up here, in the US? Not talking a delivery system that could be tracked and possibly shot down, but a shipping container?

That to me would be a true SHTF moment.