Number 1 pretty much done

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Re: Number 1 pretty much done

Post by Dedicated_Dad »


Was the sheath pre-punched or did you do it from scratch?

Any online details on how you're sewing it?

I use a sewing awl for stuff like this, but always love to learn another way...

workinwifdakids wrote:MV Gun Counter: "We're like Blackwater, except without the impulse control."
Random Internet Moron wrote: "High Caliber Magazine Clips are only useful for random slaughter of innocent civilians, so they should only be used by the police."

Re: Number 1 pretty much done

Post by ZeroGravitas »

The sheath was my first made from scratch. I'm definitely not a saddlemaker, I drilled the holes using a 3/64" drill, 7 holes/inch. Before drilling I used a lining tool to cut out a thin line in the leather, so the threads end up below the surface.
That's saddle stitching - one piece of thread, needled on both ends. This 16" of stitching took 9.5' of thread. In that process pic, I'm about to do the 2 step tightening. First re-tighten the previous stitch, then quickly pull the threads and tighten the just completed stitch. Ouch! and Ouch!!

Here's the main tutorial I used. I don't remember the rules on cross-linking to other BB's so Google this and go there.
Saddle Stitch Tutorial, stitching with 2 needles
The writer is a professional, so he says to use an awl to punch your holes and tie a knot inside each hole. He is right. I am not a pro and do not have hands made of iron to punch the holes (awl punched holes close up completely, drilled do not - but my drilled holes were so effing tight that I needed to awl them before I could get a needle through - and even then on 1/2 the holes needed a pair of padded pliers to pull the needle through). Next sheath I'll try to tie the overhand knot in each hole.
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