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Ohio Knife Preemption

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 8:25 pm
by randy
OH Gov DeWine signs Knife Preemption Law
...the new law prohibits “any ordinance, rule, regulation, resolution, practice, or other action or any threat of citation, prosecution, or other legal process” from inhibiting a person’s ability to “own, possess, purchase, acquire, transport, store, carry, sell, transfer, manufacture, or keep” any knife, whether carried openly or concealed.
SB 156 is a natural follow-up to SB 140, signed by DeWine in January 2021, which repealed the ban on the manufacture and sale of "switchblade," "spring blade" and "gravity" knives, and also cleared up the confusion about carrying knives by defining a knife, razor or cutting instrument as a "deadly weapon" or "weapon" ONLY if it is used as a weapon. This means you can legally own and carry, openly or concealed, any knife, something that was previously unclear.