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Benchmade Paul 230 Review

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:18 am
by Aglifter
I really, really like it. Its exactly what I wanted in a gentleman's knife. The handle is comfortable, and actually slightly longer than I need, looks nice, is very sharp, and the blade completely locks both shut and open.

I will have some replacement scales made to eliminate the pocket clip, but I'm very happy w. this knife.

Its not the easiest to close one handed, and a bit involved to open one-handed, but its neither a work nor self-defense knife - should make a great "steak night" knife, though...

Re: Benchmade Paul 230 Review

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:34 am
by McClarkus
I heartily endorse Benchmade knives. Had an Axis folder and lost it. Bought another one and then found the first one. After a while sent it in with $5 bucks for their lifesharp service and they didn't just sharpen it, they replaced the entire blade. Sold me on their customer service right then and there.

Re: Benchmade Paul 230 Review

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:12 am
by cageym
I've been carrying a Benchmade Mel Pardue 530 for years. I really like the knife.

Re: Benchmade Paul 230 Review

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:27 am
All this talk about Benchmade lately, so I decided to finally go look through their product list.

95% I found completely uninteresting, the other 5% though...

A 4", folder with a non serrrated blade made from D2, and doesn't look like it came from some Japanese Anime(what's up with that? Do Otaku buy that many pocket knives?)? Me wanty.

Re: Benchmade Paul 230 Review

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:50 am
by cageym
That one looks like a nice knife. This is what I've had in my pocket for the last couple of years.

I went to this thread and decided to look at Botach and see if they were still on sale. They did have a few so I thought I would pick this one up just to see if I like it and if it'll take a beating.

Re: Benchmade Paul 230 Review

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:27 am
by cageym
Chris, I remember reading that when the knife thing was going around. I like the Benchmade, and the Mel Pardue especially. I got it the last time I was out here in the IO and since it's a Brit island I had to go with a slightly smaller one just in case I pulled it out to do something and one of the BIOT cops saw it. :lol:

Re: Benchmade Paul 230 Review

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:45 pm
by McClarkus
The two I have are of that "710" design but just a little smaller. Went out of state recently and was unhappy that I had to do without one for 4 days because I had the foresight to leave it at home. Bastards even took my toothpaste on that trip, which I didn't have the foresight to carry a reduced version of.....