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Re: Changing the “Macho” Male Culture of the US Military

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:27 pm
by PawPaw
I once had a Battalion Commander (Bill Carey, you magnificent bastard) who would lead us on a "payday run". Every payday, the last working day of the month, the battalion would gather at the HQ (This in the old days. The uniform was tee-shirts, fatigue pants and combat boots) and go for a little run. About three miles, give or take. As we rounded the last curve, back to HQ, LTC Carey would light a big black stogie, and puff it energetically while we broke formation and ran the last half-mile. He'd stand at the finish line and berate us all for being pussies.

There was exactly one woman in the battalion, a staff sergeant who worked for me. Big ol' lesbian, but nobody cared. Damn fine supply sergeant. One day, after the payday run, she approached the Colonel, slapped him on the back, took his cigar and puffed it, then handed it back to him. I thought the Colonel was going to blow a gasket, but he laughed it off and told the sergeant that the next time she wanted a cigar, to come see him.

I don't think anybody could get away with that shit in today's Army.

Re: Changing the “Macho” Male Culture of the US Military

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:38 pm
by PawPaw
I see today that our SecDef has ordered all military jobs available to females in the next 30 days.
Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced today that he was tossing the entire issue out the window and that the United States military would be opening “all combat roles” to women at the beginning of the year. This from NBC News.
If they make all PT standards the same, regardless of gender (yeah, fat chance of that happening) this order will be without much merit.

Re: Changing the “Macho” Male Culture of the US Military

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:35 pm
by Aesop
They went full retard.

Anybody left that still thinks (or buys the party-line BS from on high) that the Rangerette tests were fair and unbiased?
Or that anyone at DoD was listening to the volumes of well-documented and laboriously compiled evidentiary research from the USMC showing this was a fundamentally flawed and thoroughly jackassical notion?

Fundamental Change*, 1.
Military Readiness, 0.

Those of you still in the .mil are so far beyond fucked now, you couldn't see it behind you with binoculars.
Proof of the pudding will be the zero officers 0-6 and higher who will publicly resign over this in the coming days. Zero.
This country is about to be tested in ways anyone not paying attention cannot possibly imagine in their wildest nightmares.
And found horribly wanting.

There's also this reaction shot to the announcement:

*(We just didn't realize that he meant it in a gender-bender way, but that's what you get when the CinC is a gay racist Muslim.)

Re: Changing the “Macho” Male Culture of the US Military

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:08 am
by JAG2955
And a thousand recruiters' assholes slammed shut instantly...

Re: Changing the “Macho” Male Culture of the US Military

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:14 am
by First Shirt
JAG2955 wrote:And a thousand recruiters' assholes slammed shut instantly...
Oh, that's what that noise was! Had me worried there, for a minute! Thought they'd dropped a wet charge in the furnace.