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Re: They need to put it in Crayons

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:53 pm
by Vonz90
blackeagle603 wrote: Mon Apr 19, 2021 4:28 pm Concur. I'm glad that they were given an option.
I know it's become a divisive emotionally charged issue and I wish everyone who gets or already received the shots the very best.

It's a dangerous cold that can turn deadly if it is allowed to progress to the pneumonia stage.
Even so, I remain convinced the risks and IFR have been overstated.
I personally don't see the TBD risk/reward ratio making it worthwhile.
The IFR is lower than justifies receiving an experimental "vaccine". That is IMHO true even for those who don't prepare themselves by eating better and pretreated and don't treat early with integrative medicine protocols.

But the Black Death it ain't. Especially with simple low cost interventions.
All the prepper talk here over the years... Don't just stand there do something. Be Prepared. Be AntiFragile

<Rod Serling Voice: ON>
Submitted for your consideration:
Experts have raised warnings about the problematic history of coronavirus vaccines and their propensity to produce antibody‐dependent enhancement (ADE), which could make vaccinated individuals more susceptible to infection by SARS-CoV-2 or its variants
An October 2020 paper stressed that “COVID‐19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralizing antibodies may sensitize vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated,” and criticized vaccine makers for not clearly informing participants in current vaccine trials of this risk
Vaccinated individuals do appear to be more susceptible to infection by certain variants of SARS-CoV-2, although it remains to be seen whether they are more prone to serious illness
Israeli researchers compared 400 individuals who had tested positive for the South African B.1.351 SARS-CoV-2 variant after receiving at least one dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine against 400 unvaccinated individuals who had been infected. Among those who received two doses of the vaccine, the variant was eight times more prevalent than in unvaccinated individuals (5.4% compared to 0.7%)
By analyzing blood samples, a second study found Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine was 6.8 times less effective against the South African B.1.351 variant compared to generic strains of the virus

RTWT. Eat the Chicken. Leave the bones.

I remain respectfully yours,
Mr 7UP, Never had it. Never will.
My opinion is that we over test drugs and vaccines before getting them to market (especially for deadly things) and the effort put into this one should be closer to the standard.

I have long been on record that we overreacted to C19, but that does not mean I do not think it is serious. Just looking at excess deaths since it started shows about 400k total. I don't think the number would be all that different if they had not done the full shutdowns.

Certainly the risk of any vaccine is non zero and I don't mind anyone not getting it, their call, but no reason to bash it either. The higher risk someone is from C19, the better off they are getting the vaccine.

I get the Moderna next week, not so much because I am high risk (I am not) but I do interact with some who are. I do not expect to keel over, but who knows?

Re: They need to put it in Crayons

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 10:35 pm
by blackeagle603
Until last October(?) these shots were classified as medical devices based on their action. And thus subject to that class of product testing, approvals and safety study timelines -- and manufacturer liability.

It took a "official" change to the definition of "vaccine" to move them out on the timeline we observed.

Just will leave that there for consideration...

Re: They need to put it in Crayons

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 10:39 pm
by blackeagle603
I'll just leave this here.

And this...

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

Re: They need to put it in Crayons

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 10:48 pm
by Netpackrat
The earth shakes as the sun is blotted out from the sky. A rain of frogs descends upon the land.... Netpackrat agrees with Aesop:
If you decline the shot, and subsequently get infected, and then pass it on to others, especially those susceptible to serious illness or dying, however, you should be dick-punched for forty days non-stop, and then flogged around the fleet a couple of times, before being allowed to mingle in society again just like every other @$$bag f**ktard who brings their crud to work, or sends their kids to school, when they're sick, and they know it.
In lieu of flogging, if a suitable whipmaster is unavailable, I would accept staking the miscreant out naked between fire ant hills, slathered with fresh honey every other day, for not less than a week. ... -loop.html

I got my second dose of the Moderna a couple weeks ago as of tomorrow. The first was not so bad and I had some soreness in my arm where I got the shot for a few days. How much of that was due to the shot vs. how much was due to me spending the next few hours chipping ice in my driveway to clear a spot to unload my Bridgeport, I couldn't say. Not going to lie to anyone, the second shot was a bit of a bear. I didn't get very good sleep that night and had I taken the time to hunt down a thermometer, it probably would have registered a mild fever. Was tired and sore the next day at work, but I was able to work through it, and the next day I was fine other than the lingering effects of sleep deficit.

I figure if I need a booster in 6-9 months to keep up the effectiveness, who cares? As I understand it, they already have a booster that covers the variants, and it's mostly a matter of approval and distribution at this point. And as far as the variants go, it isn't that the vaccine is worthless, it's just not AS effective as it is against the most common strains. Reduced effectiveness is better than none at all.

Re: They need to put it in Crayons

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:23 pm
by blackeagle603
As if you accept the shot and you aren't/won't subsequently get infected and be able to pass it on to others. That's point of all of Fauci and Co insistence that people continue to observe masking and limit travel after getting shot up. Or that could have changed -- based on past Fauci direction.
After all it's a Monday and it could be different on Tuesday.

Re: They need to put it in Crayons

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:42 am
by Vonz90
blackeagle603 wrote: Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:23 pm As if you accept the shot and you aren't/won't subsequently get infected and be able to pass it on to others. That's point of all of Fauci and Co insistence that people continue to observe masking and limit travel after getting shot up. Or that could have changed -- based on past Fauci direction.
After all it's a Monday and it could be different on Tuesday.
Fauci is an admitted liar. Who cares what he says?

Re: They need to put it in Crayons

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 12:02 pm
by Vonz90
I discussed this with Marine son, he said that they are basically telling them they should get the shot but there are no changes in protocol or restrictions if one does, so all risk a no reward. Not surprising a lot are saying no.

Re: They need to put it in Crayons

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 5:08 pm
by blackeagle603
Vonz90 wrote: Tue Apr 20, 2021 12:02 pm I discussed this with Marine son, he said that they are basically telling them they should get the shot but there are no changes in protocol or restrictions if one does, so all risk a no reward. Not surprising a lot are saying no.
They can't make it a requirement so long as it is classified experimental.

Re: They need to put it in Crayons

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 5:08 pm
by blackeagle603
Fauci is an admitted liar. Who cares what he says?
Apparently a lot of policy makers and KovidKarens.

Re: They need to put it in Crayons

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 1:20 pm
by skb12172
I had Covid January of 2020. I got my Moderns shots on Feb 4 and March 8 of 2021.

Effects from both shots, similar to the Flu shit, lasted 24 hours for the first one and 30 hours for the second.

One of my kids is in the US Army, stationed in South Korea. I was shocked when he told me the vaccine was optional.