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Post by Aesop »

Are you sure you want to use gatewaypundit as a serious reference?
It reads like the Trumpkin Manifesto Homepage in any 6 lines.

Trump isn't walking away from primaries with all the delegates, because all the voters don't want him, nor are all of the delegates selected by popular vote. In districts where he wins, he gets delegates; in districts where he loses, he doesn't. And half of some states' delegates are selected at the state convention, not in the actual primary.
Those rules are in place and were well known to all contenders, long before Hairpiece decided to be a sudden Republican for a season. If he doesn't like the rules, the "DLTDHYITAOYWO" Rule always applies.
If Hairpiece had any on-the-ground organization, and he was scooping up any of those delegates instead of Cruz, neither he nor his supporters would be pissing and moaning about being "cheated", and he'd have clinched the nomination already, long since.
But being Mister 40%, that's not likely to ever happen.

His early lead was overwhelmingly due to the months he was the bare plurality winner in a 17-horse race, and no small part due now to Kasich's continuing scorched-earth campaign to make sure there was no way in hell Cruz was Option B, despite Kasich not having a hope in frozen hell of even getting anything but heartfelt thanks from Bitch McConjob, Quisling Ryan, and the Chamber Of Commerce lobbysists, for deliberately buttfucking the Cruz campaign for the final 5 months, despite Kasich being statistically unpossible to ever be nominated unless Cruz and Trump jump on a landmine. (Probably not even then.)

No one is bitching about that now, except the suckers in the early state primaries that voted for one of the other 14 candidate wastes of skin who dropped out, and now wish maybe they could do a do-over as they face the probability of either Trump as the nominee, or the implosion of the entire GOP if he walks out all bitch-slapped.

This is what happens when you let stupid sumbitches have their way, and no one has the balls to tell a demagoguing bastard like Trump he's not a Republican, and not eligible to be on the ballot, until it's too late to fix that until he gets to the convention a dollar short, and gets axed out of the picture when all those delegates are unbound.

If he gets to 1237 on his own, that conversation won't happen.
But he won't and neither will anyone else - on the first ballot - and then we'll see who walks away with the nomination.
If it devolves to an actual two-way race, he's toast.
There's a distant possibility it goes sideways and they dragoon some sack of fertilizer in a suit in to make both the anti-Trump and the anti-Cruz forces happy, but the greatest likelihood from that option is that 80-90% of the party rank-and-file quits the party that evening.

So, wait and see if the GOP doesn't change primary rules after this season to permanently axe any candidate not in the top 3-5 candidates after the second primary, and whittle it down to a max of 2-3 after Super Tuesday, forevermore. This year's clown follies were nothing but a pure shitshow concocted to make the major networks happy, and provide them with ratings early on, and a suitable Republican caricature candidate to lampoon for the rest of the election season. At least a dozen egomaniacal certified jackasses were happy to help them out with that dream.
Well played.
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Post by Vonz90 »

Aesop wrote:Are you sure you want to use gatewaypundit as a serious reference?
Dude, I don't know them, but I hope it is true. I just as soon all of Trump's delegates were eliminated in one way or another.
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Post by blackeagle603 »

I think it was Chris who described a primary system (may be it was Ireland?) where you'd vote a couple times in a primary. Recollection if fuzzy but seems like first time round you'd vote for 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. That would winnow the field and you have another vote on a 2nd ballot for your final choice. <or something like that...>.

That appeals to me, though not sure of the unintended consequences...
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Post by Durham68 »

Vonz90 wrote:
Aesop wrote:Are you sure you want to use gatewaypundit as a serious reference?
Dude, I don't know them, but I hope it is true. I just as soon all of Trump's delegates were eliminated in one way or another.
My thoughts exactly.
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Post by Netpackrat »

Looks like it's over and we're fucked again. ... n-indiana/
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Post by JAG2955 »

Thus endeth our great Republic experiment. Last one out, get the lights.

I don't live in a swing state. I'll probably write in "Ronald Reagan's Moldy Corpse."
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Post by Jered »

We're screwed in an outhouse to quote a phrase.
The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.
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Post by Netpackrat »

On the plus side, I think the value of my four oh gun K just went up a little.
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Post by Vonz90 »

Well there goes the republic. 239 years was a pretty good run. Kind of a shame we couldn't push it further, but it is what it is.
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