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The alien checks out the Pyramids.

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:41 pm
by toad
"Oh Mighty Pharaoh, there is a problem with the pyramids." , "What pray tell, is the angle wrong?" , "Nay magnificent one, the angles are well within tolerance.", Then they are not the right height?" , No Oh beloved by the Gods, the height is very good indeed." , "Then what could possibly be the problem." , " Oh Mighty one, your servants have failed you. The Sky Master anuses are round and the pyramids have been built square in cross section."
"Oh dear, I see one engaging now. Warn him off! SQREEEEEEEEEE, Oops, too late."
"There goes our ISO rating."

Re: The alien checks out the Pyramids.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 9:46 pm
by dfwmtx


Re: The alien checks out the Pyramids.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:26 pm
by toad
The pyramids were not for plugging but for drainage assistance. The Sky Gods had to keep it tight to keep from blowing their guts out in the vacuum of Space.
The warm spots they are finding in the pyramids were chambers for the storage of radioactive poo.
As it is translated by the great Whu Flung Dung.

Re: The alien checks out the Pyramids.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 12:25 am
by Jered
dfwmtx wrote:Image

Ok...I literally laughed out loud at that!

Re: The alien checks out the Pyramids.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 2:58 am
by toad
"Solar Wind Blows Gas Away From Mars." from Instapundit. "There's a fart joke in there somewhere."
See the Pyramids saved us.

Re: The alien checks out the Pyramids.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 6:09 pm
by dfwmtx
toad wrote:The pyramids were not for plugging but for drainage assistance. The Sky Gods had to keep it tight to keep from blowing their guts out in the vacuum of Space.
The warm spots they are finding in the pyramids were chambers for the storage of radioactive poo.
As it is translated by the great Whu Flung Dung.
The conclusions reached by Chinese Egyptologist Whu Flung Dung are not always evident. You need to look for the work of the German duo, Braun-Pantz to find signs of what happened.

Apparently the Sky Gods use craft that fling out radioactive poo as a source of propulsion akin to how an ion drive works. The pyramids were for plugging, otherwise when the Sky Gods landed all the radioactive poo fuel would leak out and pollute the Nile delta. The chambers were collection for the excess fuel that builds up inside the ships.

Apparently the aliens told their human go-betweens that the Sky Gods preferred some differences. Hence why the central American pyramids are stepped. Sometimes the aliens preferred their pyramids ribbed for their pleasure as opposed to smooth.

Re: The alien checks out the Pyramids.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 6:57 pm
by MarkD
This thread has gotten disturbing, even by our standards.....

Not that we HAVE standards of course.

Re: The alien checks out the Pyramids.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 7:09 pm
by dfwmtx
Aliens and toilet humor aren't the usual combination for this board. However, this is pretty standard for me as a SubGenius. We've been dealing with this kind of thing since humans migrated out of Africa and our Yeti ancestors looking down from their perches on Shangri-La and said to themselves "there goes the neighborhood".

Re: The alien checks out the Pyramids.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 7:42 pm
by toad
Well the radioactive poo excess could explain a suspected mutation that led to a expansion of civilization in Egypt from that time period.
I suspect a disturbance in the farce.
The Church of the Subgenius and its search for "Slack" has led to a number theories opposed to convention. Their discovery of the "Fighting Jesus" image using a submachine gun to purge the temple is once such controversy. Some suspect a farce in the disturbance.
The Sod-o-matic Impulse suspected of the Sky Gods could have resulted in a harmful mutation rate and bizarre religious practices around the stepped Pyramids of Latin America. As the ancient Geeks have said, Moderation in Uhhhhmmm and avoid excessive Sgreeeee.

Mesopotamia seems to be a special case. They built by steps then put in filler to smooth out the steps. However erosion from weather or Sky God butts led to Ziggurats that were risky and vile, vile, Rimon, who could make you go crazy, who could drive you insane, at least according to Ferdinand Feghoot who claimed time travel. ... %20feghoot
Hamurabi had a message on one clay tablet that translates as, "What is that smell?"

Re: The alien checks out the Pyramids.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:15 pm
by dfwmtx
You do know that one of the lesser codes of Hammurabi was "Whoever smelt it dealt it" right? It's kinda like the 11th-20th commandments that Moses left on top of Mt. Sinai, because the tablets were too heavy to carry and Moses had a bad back, and he promised to God he'd come back and get them, but then he forgot about them after the whole brouhaha when he returned to camp. Alas, in the case of the lesser-known Codes of Hammurabi, a gentleman archaeologist in the Victorian era with particularly bad halitosis took exception to this rule, and tried to blot it from history. Fortunately for us, the Cryptoarchaeology Department at Miskatonic U (Good ol' Cthulh-U!) managed to piece the broken shards of pottery back together.

All this advanced alien technology, and all the visitors did was show the humans how to make galvanic cell batteries and crude arc lights.. Those humans along the Nile go E-gypt.