Degrees of connections

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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Cybrludite »

Let's see, on the gaming side of things, I've met Steve Jackson, Lou Zocchi, and Dave Arneson, which puts me a step or two from much of the gaming world.

With the sci-fi writing world... oy. Met and talked to, not just getting something signed, Niven, Pournelle, Vinge, Weber, Ringo, Doc Taylor (he's also, thankfully, my only connection to reality tv), Mike Z. Williamson, loaned my pocket knife to Harlan Ellison (Who then tried to shiv the con chair with it. I shit you not. :roll: ), years prior to that, hung out with the same con-chair, a mutual friend, Harlan, Peter David, and Neil Gaiman after a con, shot the shit with Bob Asprin, argued politics with Brin, Brad Torgersen occasionally shows up in comments on things I post to Facebook, had supper with PTerry at a Discworld convention thanks to a friend of mine going nuts at the charity auction... long story short (Too late!), if they're active in writing sci-fi, I'm a step or two from them.

Politically, David Duke and his college buddies painted my parents house (and did a shitty job of it) and I met him again when I was working for a local ISP that was mirroring a website that he was involved with but was distancing himself from publicly at the time. I try not to think of who that might put me within a few degrees of. I've met Bobby Jindal at a rally (He's as wonkish and uninspiring in person as he is on TV), which puts me a step away from the current pack running for the nomination. Crap. That means another connection to reality TV. On my mom's side of the family, a cousin was Henry Steagall (D- Al), as in Glass-Steagall. This puts me two steps from the inventor of the internet.

I've met and chatted with Vernon Wells, which puts me a step away from Mel Gibson and Virginia Hey. The Mardi Gras krewe I march with has put me in contact with Peter Mayhew and Georgio "Aliens!" Tsoukalos. So, one step removed from the Star Wars cast at least.
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Jered »

One of my uncles did some sort of commo stuff with the president.
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Aesop »

Too many to mention while working on set, so rather than name-drop a gajillion of them, I'll skip that whole ginormous subset except for this:
Nicest : Schwarzenegger, Mel Gibson, Sally Field, and Kim Catrall.
Biggest dicks: J Lo, Elton John, and Gary Busey (nicknamed Gary Abusive in the biz, for cause).

Outside of that, I met Pappy Boyington at the Miramar Air Show, after Baa Baa Black Sheep had come and gone. (And he was still one mean-looking SOB).
Went to church with Reagan's son and grandson, and to school with his pastor's daughter. Wish I'd met The Man himself, before or after he was my CIC.
Met Engineer Scotty from Star Trek at my school sports banquet, because I played football with his sons. (He was missing a finger - left ring - from a childhood snowsledding accident, and wore a rubber prosthetic finger on camera so it wouldn't freak people out.)

Took my PD mock oral board from a then motor sgt., who's just finished 8 years on the L.A. City Council; played tetherball with Jan Brady from The Brady Bunch (she said a word not approved for prime time); bumped into Robert Redford on the beach in Maui; had a lovely dinner with Anne Francis decades before I worked in Hollyweird; and had Jack Palance hold the door open for me coming out of a bank in Santa Barbara. Office meetings with a couple of sitting congressmen.
Met the co-inventor of Pong. (And Joey Buttafuoco. Same day <shivers>).

Thinking of the panoply of people that alone puts me within seven jumps from is mind-boggling.

One fun one: I am two (and six steps) from Harry S Truman:
Me>Pappy Boyington> Harry S Truman (who hung the MOH on him)
Me> Pappy Boyington > Robert Conrad > James Whitmore Jr. > James Whitmore Sr. > Margaret Truman > her dad, Harry S

And Truman gets me within six steps of Queen Victoria:
Me>Boyington>Truman>Churchill>George V>Edward VII>Queen Victoria

Who'd'a thunk?
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Weetabix »

Aesop wrote:Met Engineer Scotty from Star Trek at my school sports banquet, because I played football with his sons. (He was missing a finger - left ring - from a childhood snowsledding accident, and wore a rubber prosthetic finger on camera so it wouldn't freak people out.)
I'd read before that it was shot off at Normandy. Wikipedia (I know, but it supports the account I heard) agrees.
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Darrell »

My family got to meet Barry Goldwater after my twin's death--the senator came to a memorial service for him, David had flown him around the Hawaiian islands some time before. I was in awe of the guy.

My small world story: I was in the Toronto international airport, in a long queue. The place was very crowded, people from all over the world (shades of the British Empire). There was another line slowly moving the opposite direction next to us. I came face to face with a guy I went to high school with in the other line--we were in the same physics class. We talked for a few moments before the moving lines separated us.
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Lokidude »

Weetabix wrote:
I would not like to think that a person would tell someone he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has *no idea* what it means to have a plethora.
Forgive me, El Guapo. I know that I, Jefe, do not have your superior intellect and education. But could it be that once again, you are angry at something else, and are looking to take it out on me?
workinwifdakids wrote: We've thus far avoided the temptation to jack an entire forum.

But what the hell.
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by BDK »

Know a few business guys, but no famous ones. One fellow knew John Wayne in a fashion - one of Wayne's investments was a company doing business w his. Wayne was around enough to be in numerous photos, and they definitely knew each other, but were not intimate, from my understanding.

Know quite a few politicians, both personally and via family, but those aren't really celebrities - heck, most folks don't even know who their congressman is.
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Netpackrat »

BDK wrote:heck, most folks don't even know who their congressman is.
I do, he crashed my wedding! :lol:
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Greg »

Netpackrat wrote:
BDK wrote:heck, most folks don't even know who their congressman is.
I do, he crashed my wedding! :lol:
My old congressman was famous for running down pickpockets.
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by skb12172 »

My cousin is Hal Rogers, one of the top Republicans in the US House of Representatives. No telling how many connections you could make from that, alone. I also studied with Wynton Marsalis, who has rubbed shoulders with all kinds of entertainers, journalists, and world leaders. I have personally met Mikhail Gorbachev, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Muhammad Ali, and John Y. Brown, the former Governor of Kentucky and the man who turned KFC into a global chain. I guess I'm 6 degrees from pretty much everyone and everything. Oh yeah, also Rick Pitino, the current Louisville and former Kentucky, New York Knicks, and Boston Celtics basketball coach. I know among others, he had an audience with Pope John Paul II.
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