Degrees of connections

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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by JustinR »

MarkD wrote:I've had fantasies about Kaylee, does that count for anything?

I've flown Vincent Pastore (Big Pussy on The Sopranos) and the Governor of New Mexico. I've shaken hands with W at a rally when he was in office, met Sean Hannity at a book signing, and as a young kid screamed "Mom, Ghostbuster!" when I saw Bill Murray in the airport terminal. He came over and said hello, and my mom still has the napkin he signed for us. I've also met several actors from Star Trek: Sulu, Scotty, Odo, Nog, and Morn. My wife's grandmother went to gradeschool with Neil Armstrong. My wife is related by marriage to Maria Goeppert Mayer, part of the Manhatten Project.

My mother has traced our English heritage to King Longshanks. My best friend Bruce's heritage leads back to William Wallace.
Last edited by JustinR on Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Cobar »

My grandmother knew Henry Mancini and Joe Namath.

My high school gym teacher played for the oilers in 65 and the dolphins 66-70.
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Weetabix »

Small world anecdote: When I worked in Fairbanks, an insurance guy had an office down the hall. About 8 years later, I'm walking through the airport here, and I ran into him. He lives a few towns west.

Oh, and David Prowse in full Darth Vader costume (on a movie promotion tour) picked me up by the neck circa 1978 when I was a smartass youngster. (I'm sure he was justified.) That makes me one degree from slave Leia, among others. :geek:
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by JAG2955 »

I shook Dick Cheney's hand at USNA graduation, so I guess a lot of the Haliburton evil rubbed off on me.

I met Jewel Staite at DragonCon, and have a picture with of her with my wife and I. She's almost as tall as I am, and much skinnier than she was in Firefly/Serenity.

Met Roger Staubach at a few USNA tailgaiters and galas. Walked the same halls as Vonz, too, I suppose.

When I was deployed in Iraq at the Ramadi Provincial Government Center, Obama had allegedly used the restroom there in our building, so I guess that I should have shit all over the place. I had pretty good aim, despite being a fan of the local falafel.
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Greg »

It's a weird and silly game that you can use to make yourself seem important. I'm pretty anonymous, and I like it that way. But....

-as a child I met NYC Mayor Ed Koch twice, once on a school trip to City Hall, once when he was in my neighborhood on a meet and greet.

-I went to high school with a nephew of Alan Dershowitz.

-I went to high school with a cousin of Barry Goldwater. Same fellow is also a music producer, songwriter and musician, has founded a record label and produced several chart topping reggae albums.

-I went to high school with a writer for the New York Times (he's on the Arts beat)

-I went to high school with someone who is now a fashion designer with her own popular line (at least it was trendy at one point)

(all 4 were friends of friends)

-a friend from high school was a Manhattan ADA, only shortly after Eliot Spitzer worked in that office. He's now a profession musician, oddly enough.

-a friend in high school is now a newspaper sports reporter. (Newsday, last time I checked)

-one time I went to baseball game with that friend, we had lunch before the game that gave me food poisoning... on my way to the infirmary at the stadium, I met Ozzie Smith. Very nice man. Also very short.

-a friend in high school had some political ambitions, and was personally acquainted with several moderately connected local people, including Donna Shalala (who was at the time the president of the College that was the parent organization of my high school).

-through that friend, I wound up engaging in some CV-building exercises (to get into a better college) that led to me working for Al Gore's 1988 Presidential campaign. I met him at a campaign stop. (This was when he was branding himself as a defense hawk conservative Democrat. Shortly thereafter he realized which way the winds were blowing and reinvented himself as a hard-left environmentalist. Personally he's an anti-charismatic soul-less asshole, but he is good at reading the political wind.)

-my high school German teacher was a German emigre, and knew Manfred Rommel (yes, his son)

-a friend in high school's dad was friends with an eccentric (and starving) artist named Charles Mingus (yes, jazz legend Charles Mingus' son). I once got to go to his apartment and see some of the things he was working on. Very very clever and also very weird guy.

-another friend in high school later flew Marine attack helicopters in Iraq. He's got pictures with the Commandant, with Chuck Norris....

-yet another high school friend is a decently successful romance novelist

-I knew Ted T'So (Linux filesystem god) in college. Met him my first week there- he was running a juice and donuts concession on the top of a building where we weren't supposed to be. Wound up living in the same dorm, just down the hall from him. (He was never home.)

-in general, I had several friends who worked at the MIT Media Lab who knew Nicholas Negroponte. His own direct network of connections is frighteningly large, he's also the brother of John Negroponte (name should sound familiar).

-in the 90's, where I worked hosted a meet and greet on behalf of Red Hat Linux and Linux in general (early days for both, it was a shoestring affair). I met Linus, his wife, some important Red Hat guys (I think Bob Young was there) and some other big league geeks.

-I met Niven and Pournelle at an event at my college (after I left but I was still part of the general community).

-about 15 years ago I went out for a burger with some friends and Aria Giovanni (there was no mistaking it) was at the next table over. Did not admit to recognizing her, though she did flirt with us.

-I once worked with a guy who had previously been a hanger-on at Warhol's Factory.

-I once worked with a guy who had started his career (first as an intern and furniture mover, later as a junior programmer) at Bell Labs and knew Dennis Ritchie and some other early Unix and C gods.

There are more, but they're less interesting. So hey, I'm just a goofy nobody but this is a fun game. :)
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Lokidude »

Putin hit on my friend's mom. I've seen pictures.

Due to some work I used to do, I've met several country musicians. A plethora, even.
workinwifdakids wrote: We've thus far avoided the temptation to jack an entire forum.

But what the hell.
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by TheArmsman »

Went drinking with Lee Marvin while I was wearing dress blues.

Had dinner with Sidney Poiter.

Met John Wayne as he exited an elevator.

Talks with former President Ford at my house when he was sitting for a portrait my mom was doing of him.

Met a guy at work who was a guard at the Nuremberg trials.
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Weetabix »

Lokidude wrote:A plethora, even.
I would not like to think that a person would tell someone he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has *no idea* what it means to have a plethora.
Note to self: start reading sig lines. They're actually quite amusing. :D
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Old Grafton »

One of my cousins had an inflamed plethora but penicillin cleared it up. :lol:
I'm not old--It's too early to be this late.
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Re: Degrees of connections

Post by Vonz90 »

Greg wrote:It's a weird and silly game that you can use to make yourself seem important. I'm pretty anonymous, and I like it that way. But....

There are more, but they're less interesting. So hey, I'm just a goofy nobody but this is a fun game. :)
Just fun, it means nothing. The reason I like it is mostly historical, just realizing how close some of the major players are from history when you can talk to someone who knew them.

It is like the people who knew people who knew Abraham Lincoln (Which I think until very recently was still a thing). It makes it seem so much closer and I like that.
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