How do we steer the culture back to Liberty?

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How do we steer the culture back to Liberty?

Post by henrybowman »

Any ideas?
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Re: How do we steer the culture back to Liberty?

Post by toad »

In a way it is already happening, Hollywood has been faced with declining numbers for its "Kiss me I'm a Liberal" products in the US and now they are seeing a decline in revenue from overseas sales so the lack of US sales is starting to bite. The BosWash corridor culture camp is seeing a waning influence. With the exception of Fox news the Cable companies are facing a decline as people go online for their news and entertainment. Even mighty HBO has just had lay offs.
I guess the best way is just to abstain from giving them money for the crap they put out :?:
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Re: How do we steer the culture back to Liberty?

Post by Vonz90 »

Start randomly killing people who oppose liberty maybe?
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Re: How do we steer the culture back to Liberty?

Post by Termite »

Education. Ignorance and freedom are anathema to one another.
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Re: How do we steer the culture back to Liberty?

Post by Dub_James »

Stop tying it to religion; stop claiming homeschooling will save us; start getting slicker about marketing freedom; less Pat Robertson, more Andrew Breitbart; Less "homosecshual", more ammosexual; less War On Drugs, more War On Rules; Less insular, more expansive.
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Re: How do we steer the culture back to Liberty?

Post by PawPaw »

The best thing to do is start voting. Obama is elected because conservatives stayed home. Didn't want to vote for Romney, didn't want to vote for Obama, so they stayed home. As such, Obama was elected.

Votes count, and elections have consequences. Get involved. Maybe not in party politiics, but it talking to your neighbors, your co-workers, your family. If we each get four or five people to vote, it makes a huge difference. For example, my home parish of Rapides Parish has approximately 131K residents, and 25% of those are under age 18, so roughly 98K potential voters. However, in the last big race (Sheriff/Governor in 2011), only 38K people voted in the parish. SO, our voter turnout was roughly 40%of those eligible to vote. Some percentage of those people have never registered, never voted.

Also, you can't talk liberty only when it is important. More importantly, to talk liberty when it's not important. Small mini-lessons over the water cooler. Get people thinking. Don't rail at them, just gently persuade. It'll pay dividends over the long haul.
Dennis Dezendorf
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Re: How do we steer the culture back to Liberty?

Post by Darrell »

It starts in the schools, and the schools are so infested with left wing notions that it's near impossible to get a foothold.
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Re: How do we steer the culture back to Liberty?

Post by skb12172 »

Darrell wrote:It starts in the schools, and the schools are so infested with left wing notions that it's near impossible to get a foothold.
True. Unless you spend significant time there, you have no idea just how bad it is.
There must be an end to this intimidation by those who come to this great country, but reject its culture.
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Re: How do we steer the culture back to Liberty?

Post by MarkD »

Stop pretending that Liberty can be enforced by government mandate, government mandate is the opposite of Liberty.

In fact stop pretending that Liberty is anything BUT Liberty from government interference. The person who refuses to bake your wedding cake because he disapproves of gay marriage isn't impeding your Liberty, and when the government forces that person to bake your cake it's impeding HIS Liberty.
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Re: How do we steer the culture back to Liberty?

Post by George guy »

I think we should try persuading people through boring walls of text on Facebook and forum comments, and not bother with making any awesome TV, video games, or movies.
'Regulate' used to mean the opposite of 'constipate.'
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