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Re: Recovering from Hip Replacement Surgery (L Hip)

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 3:49 am
by 308Mike
I learned something new this morning: Some hip-replacement patients will experience a lengthening sensation of the leg on the repaired hip side, due to the worn out joint being replaced by a fully repaired joint, including cushioning material between the socket ends (I had none in both hips, complete bone-on-bone contact all the time). It makes complete sense when you think about it, especially depending on how badly damaged the joint was prior to being repaired/replaced. I was told by my surgeon's office that they don't tell everyone because not everyone experiences it - sometimes it is only a stretching sensation in the muscles of the leg causing it, but I can tell mine is actually longer because I have to bend my knee to stand straight up - and when I told my surgeon's nurse, I was told that it should settle in over the next month, the more I'm on my feet. Then again, the same thing will probably happen when I get my right hip done later on.

Regarding my current pain level (surgery was two days ago, on the 19th):

It was pretty bad when I first got up this morning (but FAR less than it had been pre-op), today is supposed to be the most painful day - the injected meds have all about worn off, now I'm down to oral pain meds, which I NEED to take them so I can do my walking exercises. I also have bending and movement limitations for at least a month while I heal. NOBODY wants me to dislocate my new hip joint (ESPECIALLY ME!!!)

Re: Recovering from Hip Replacement Surgery (L Hip)

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 1:44 pm
by Rumpshot
Sounds like you are doing well. Take it easy, don't overdo it. DO the PT as prescribed.

I am sure you already know that since you favoured the bad hip so long, you have compensated with the rest of the body. In doing so, you probably have other tissue damage that may now heal.

All these "old" peoples diseases are not good for the forum. You, Rod, myself, and probably several others need to heal up and stay healthy.

Re: Recovering from Hip Replacement Surgery (L Hip)

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 3:38 pm
by blackeagle603
Your pelvic/hip complex is probably out of alignment after all that. Or "pelvic disparity" as my postural therapist called it. Got some tips for you on that when you feel like moving more and get into PT deeper.

Re: Recovering from Hip Replacement Surgery (L Hip)

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:06 pm
by rightisright
Good luck w. the new hip!

Re: Recovering from Hip Replacement Surgery (L Hip)

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 11:59 pm
by 308Mike
blackeagle603 wrote:Your pelvic/hip complex is probably out of alignment after all that. Or "pelvic disparity" as my postural therapist called it. Got some tips for you on that when you feel like moving more and get into PT deeper.
Thanks for the offer!! Hopefully I'll remember this when I'm ready for them - gonna' be a couple of months.

Re: Recovering from Hip Replacement Surgery (L Hip)

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 1:43 am
by blackeagle603
Just something as simple as standing with toes at 12 o'clock (no duck foot) with heals hanging off a step or curb for 3 minutes or so a couple times a day can work wonder for setting your pelvis back to neutral. Keep yourself vertical over your heals, stomach relaxed and contract/relax your butt now and then.

Egoscue Method they call that a "gravity drop."

Re: Recovering from Hip Replacement Surgery (L Hip)

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 4:57 am
by 308Mike
blackeagle603 wrote:Just something as simple as standing with toes at 12 o'clock (no duck foot) with heals hanging off a step or curb for 3 minutes or so a couple times a day can work wonder for setting your pelvis back to neutral. Keep yourself vertical over your heals, stomach relaxed and contract/relax your butt now and then.

Egoscue Method they call that a "gravity drop."
THANK YOU, Bro!! I'll keep that in mind!! My therapist is shocked to see how far ahead I am in my recovery than most of her patients!! I'm hoping I might be able to use your suggestion in the next few weeks as I slowly recover from my surgery, sounds like a GREAT realigning method!!

Re: Recovering from Hip Replacement Surgery (L Hip)

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 11:18 am
by Frankingun
Get better soon! Prayers sent.